There’s a question that I face all the time. It comes in many forms. Its considered small talk akin to “what do you think of the weather we’re having?” The answer to this question can also come in many forms. It can be small talk or it can plunge us to the depths of personal revelation. The question I am referring to is “How many kids do you have?” or “is he your only?”, as they look to my 3 year old. I could answer that simply or go into the long explanation of the twins and what happened. This question came up last night. I was at church and saw someone I hadn’t seen in years. She looked at me and said “the last time I saw you, you had a little boy, right? Do you have any more?” I responded “just the one I have in my belly”. When I walked away my friend jokingly said, “what, you didn’t want to go into all the details of the last 6 months?” I laughed and said “nope”. By the way, this is why...