Year 3

My dear sweet Addie,

Whew!  Another year older.  Whew!  I can’t help but say that again because it has been quite a year. You are quite the personality.  Watching your sassiness bloom this year was equally frustrating and amusing.  You have been known to make me lose my temper and make me laugh all in the same moment.  I just never know what is going to happen next with you.  You keep me on my toes- and on my knees in prayer. I love you with every ounce of my being.  

This year your big growth area is with your verbal skills.  The things that come out of your mouth constantly surprise us.  You pick up on everything but most of the time repeat them out of context.  The other day I was trying to get you to eat dinner.  I said “take another bite, please”.  To which you responded, “Don’t worry ‘bout it.  Jesus take care of it.”  Too precious for words.  Here’s a few of our favorite Addie-isms:

·         What doin’?- this one drove me nuts for a long time because you would ask this about a million times a day.

·         High five!  Down whoa!  Bip bum! (high five! Down low!  Fist Bump!)

·         Paybound (playground)

·         Airports (airplanes)

·         Boona (balloons)

·         Bess you (thank you)

·         Chicken Rey (Chick Fil A)

·         “color Addie”- when you want us to write your name

·         K?  Dat sound wike pwan? (K?  That sounds like a plan?)

·         Bess you Fader for our food.  Many bessings A-men.  Jesus loves me. Amen.- your prayer at every meal and snack.

You absolutely adore your brother.  However, you play the sister role very well.  You love to make him mad.  You often pick fights with him.  You love to argue with him- about EVERYTHING.    For example, at 7 he still says “chicken a fwey” for chick fil a.  You argue that it is Chicken Rey.  Both are incorrect and equally adorable.  But you will go down screaming, convincing the world that it is called Chicken Rey.  I'm praying that that stubbornness and conviction will serve you well when you are an adult.  You’re a bit of a bully- we’re working on that.  When you hit or scratch Trey, earning you a time out or visit from “Mr. Spoon”, I ask “how do we use our hands?”  You answer “to hug and to tickle”.  

You are still a mama’s girl through and through.  One of your favorite things to share with mommy is shoes.  We both have leopard print boots which we have named our “sassy boots”.  You like to say that we are “shoe sisters”.  Every morning you say “Mom Mom, can you wear dis wit me”? I happily oblige.  If I am in the middle of something and not doing you whatever you want, you audibly gasp and say “I don’t have cuddles mom mom!”  How can I resist stopping and fulfilling that adorable request for cuddles?!

You had a rough start to your 2019 school year.  You were in a class full of cryers.  Didn’t take long for you to pick up on that behavior.  We had a lot of conversations about how mommy will always be back to pick you up.  Your attitude has improved a lot and now you look forward to going to school.  But you often will say “I not cry cause mama ALWAYS comes back”.  Sweet girl, I will always be there for you.  Always.  

You got your first ear infection this year.  Then another one.  And another one.  Then another one.  Who knows?  Maybe it was just one that was absolutely resistant to every antibiotic.  We tried every one- even shots.  One of them- or maybe the combination of all of them- gave you CDIF.  That was a nightmare.  Panic still runs through me at the smell of a dirty diaper.  Finally we got the CDIF under control and you got tubes in your ears.  Having surgery was scary but you were a champ!  Most kids wake up from anesthesia screaming but you woke up happy and just wanted to go back to the toys in the waiting room.  You actually cried because you didn’t want to leave!

Its been a big year.  Medical procedures and lots and lots of words!  You push me to my limits but you also make my heart so full of love I can barely stand it.  I’ll admit, there are times when I desperately need a break but once I get it, my heart aches to cuddle with you again.  You’ve turned me into a walking contradiction.  I love you so very much, my sweet girl.  Lets make this next year a great one! 

P.S.  we have to potty train soon. Go easy on me please.


Your mom mom


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