Year 2

Recently I read a quote that read “Its her world and we’re just living in it”.  I read it and immediately thought of you, sweet Addie.  You are a force to be reckoned with.  You know what you want and you will have it.    On the other side of the coin, you are the sweetest child.  I was extra emotional today and you sat with me as I cried.  You instinctively knew just what I needed.  Being your mama is equally difficult and a complete joy.

Looking back on this year, you have grown so much.  Dropping you off in the church nursery has always been a struggle.  You are a mama’s girl through and through and you make sure everyone knows that you don’t appreciate mama handing you over to childcare.  We knew that this was a struggle for you so we decided to put you in “toddler class” to help you learn to trust other adults.   To say you have excelled is an understatement.  You no longer cry when we drop you off at the nursery.  You walk in with your head held high like you own the place- again, its your world, we’re just living in it.

Toddler class is amazing.  You love your teachers, Ms Daisy and Ms. Emilie.  When we are waiting in carpool, you point to the building and say “mmm daisy.  Mmm play.”  You just can’t wait to get in there.  Your language skills are incredible.  I love hearing your little words come out.  A few favorites-

“FAH!”- that’s your dog sound.  Equally embarrassing and hysterical in public.

“Uh oh Ma Muh”- uh oh mama                                                 

“ree ree ree”- read

“C-rull”- cereal

“ah-bie”- open

“Cuh-ring”- coloring

“Pay”- pray.  When we sit down to eat dinner, you fold your hands and say “pay”, followed by “ah-meh” (amen)

“pay hans” and “pay fee”- at toddler school you do art projects where they paint your hands and feet and make animals out of them.  I have them hanging in the kitchen and you love to point them out every day.

You love to sing “ABCD” and then you skip to “now I know my”.  I think I also have heard you sing bits of “bye bye black sheep” which you have picked up from Trey.  I was shocked the other day when you counted to 5 all by yourself.  You love school so much that we are sending you in an extra day starting on Monday.  I’m sure you’ll conquer that room like you’ve conquered everything else.  After all, its your world, we’re just living in it.

You have handled the school schedule like a champ.  I was really worried because you were taking two naps at the beginning of the school year.  Now you stretch out to nearly 3pm (because of Trey’s pick up schedule).  You’ve even stopped screaming in Trey’s carpool pick up line.  You have to have a blanket with you everywhere you go.  You carry your crib blanket all over the house and you have a car blanket that stays in the car.  Thankfully even when you’re at your most determined we have trained you to not take blankets out of the car or to school. 

Eating is still your favorite.  You will pretty much eat anything.  “Yo” (yogurt) is your favorite breakfast, followed by “c-rull”.  Salmon and broccoli is your favorite dinner- you’ve got fancy taste buds.  You also love mashed potatoes.  Every night when I’m prepping dinner you are at my feet chanting “apple”.  You are used to having sliced apples with every dinner. 

Now to the more challenging part- you are a full blown toddler.  You own your space.  You are fierce and determined.  You make it clear when you want something.  The other day I pried a toy cell phone out of your hand as I was putting you in your crib at night.  You slept horribly that night.  I swear you were holding onto anger that night.  I don’t think that’s genetic but boy can I relate.  That’s something we both need to work on.  I promise to help guide you through your emotions, while also dealing with mine.  I want you to keep that fierce spirit.  I know that it will help you navigate this world in the future.  After all, this is your world.  We’re just living in it.   


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