And the word for 2017 is...
Its that time of year again. Everyone starts chatting about their New Year’s Resolutions. We hear about people’s health goals (“I’m training to run a marathon this year”), spiritual goals (“I’m going to get up and read my Bible EVERY morning before the family wakes up”), even reading goals (“I’m going to read one non-fiction book a month”). These goals are great but lets be honest, in most cases, these resolutions won’t last. Have you ever had a gym membership and saw the difference of crowds in January compared to even February? We get bogged down by the busyness of life and drop those goals in a heartbeat. I’ve never really been a resolution girl because I know that I will be like the many that give up too quickly. A few years ago my mom started a New Year’s tradition where she chose a word for the year instead of resolutions. It was like a theme she would focus on for the year. Sometimes she had a scripture to go a...