The Presents of God
The Presents of God. See what I did there? Presents? Presence? My teacher friends are probably dying right now. You used the wrong word! Nope. I didn’t. God’s Presence is a present. Many people have asked how we are getting through this experience of losing our babies. God’s presence has been so evident. We can’t deny his hand in all of this. Each time he showed up is a present. It almost got to the point where we were looking forward to the next time he would show up. I want to let you in on the presents of his Presence . Hindsight is 20/20. Looking back on this pregnancy, there were signs of trouble. The first is that I never had a peace about it. Of course I was overjoyed. We had tried for so long for these babies. But from the moment I found out I was pregnant I was riddled with anxiety. I couldn’t sleep a wink. For my mama friends out there- think about the fatigu...