
Showing posts from November, 2015

The Presents of God

The Presents of God.  See what I did there?  Presents? Presence?  My teacher friends are probably dying right now.  You used the wrong word!  Nope.  I didn’t.  God’s Presence is a present.  Many people have asked how we are getting through this experience of losing our babies.  God’s presence has been so evident.  We can’t deny his hand in all of this. Each time he showed up is a present.  It almost got to the point where we were looking forward to the next time he would show up. I want to let you in on the presents of his Presence .  Hindsight is 20/20.  Looking back on this pregnancy, there were signs of trouble.  The first is that I never had a peace about it.  Of course I was overjoyed.  We had tried for so long for these babies.  But from the moment I found out I was pregnant I was riddled with anxiety.  I couldn’t sleep a wink.  For my mama friends out there- think about the fatigu...

So what actually happened?

Today marks one month of the twins celebrating their heavenly birthday. It has been a whirlwind of a month.  Between planning the memorial, Halloween festivities for Trey, family being in town, getting ready to put our house on the market, etc it has been crazy.  The support we have received has been overwhelming.  We’ve had many visitors bringing meals and thoughtful gifts.  Some have heard our story but there are many who have not.  For those who have not, I wanted you to be able to hear it too.  I know there are many questions to be answered- Lord knows I have a lot of my own.  So I will share what answers I have, knowing full well that some will never be answered this side of heaven.  So here goes: Sunday, October 18 th , I woke up feeling horrible.  I had terrible cramps- not the coming and going cramps of contractions but constant abdominal pain.  Walking, sitting, laying down- all was difficult.  But I still wanted to go...

An Introduction

I have always admired those that have the gift of words and use that gift to write books and blogs that inspired and encourage.  I’ve always dreamt of being one of those writers someday.  However, the idea of actually sitting down to write something important baffled me.  Sure, I’ve written papers for school and quippy status updates on facebook.  But sitting down to write, just to write, with the hopes that it would one day be an encouragement to others - that seemed beyond me.  But it is exactly the point of what you are reading. This is an act of obedience.  This is obeying a whisper.   Let me go back to the beginning... August 12 th , 2010.  This was an ordinary day.  I went to work as I normally do.  However, there are days that God takes your ordinary and makes them extraordinary.  As I was working with a patient, my back went out.  I am talking extraordinary pain.  I struggled to get through my work with that p...

Test Post

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