The word for 2016 is...
Praise Jesus for 2016! New year. New word. I’ve been trying to figure out my new word all week. I thought about “courageous” since facing life lately has taken courage. Along the same vein, I thought about “brave”. I found a sign that says “Be Brave Little One”. I love that and I think of it as God telling me, his child, to be brave. That’s very comforting. Mom and I were discussing this all week too as she was wrestling with naming her word for the year. She chose “held”. Instantly I was jealous that I didn’t think of that! Yesterday I confessed my jealousy to her and we agreed that we could share a word this year. So there it is, my word is “HELD”. One of the reasons that this word is precious to me is because of the song Held by Natalie Grant. I remember listening to it over and over in the car during my pregnancy with the twins. It brought me comfort before I knew ...