Christmas through the eyes of a child
It is January 14 th , 2016 and we are now, officially done with Christmas. Yep. That’s right. It has taken us 3 weeks to get through Christmas. We celebrated on Christmas day with my parents in Michigan. We celebrated January 3 rd with just my husband, my kid and I. We finished off the Christmas season yesterday with my in laws. Three Christmases. We also had two birthdays- mine and my sons. Not gonna lie, I’m a bit celebrated out. This is the first year Trey has understood the whole Christmas thing. Well, he understands the fun part- Santa, reindeer and presents (or “p-hents” as he says). Sadly, the spiritual significance of Christmas goes right over his 3 year old little head. Nevertheless, it was fun to watch his eyes light up when he saw all the presents under the tree. It was a blast to see him open them. But as I reflected on the hustle and bustle of the last ...